July 1, 2010

Cubicle to Cocktails: Anthro-licious

Hi everyone! Don't you just hate it when a gorgeous top (finally) goes on sale and you trudge into said store to try it on and it looks kinda crappy on you?

Well, this happened to me with Anthropologie's Nexus top. I love the sweeping ruffles, the brownish gray shade and the overall "prettiness". Unfortunately, this top made me look like a box - I blame the middle ruffle. Regardless, this top is now on sale at Anthropologie for $29.95 - which is a steal if this top works for you. Plus, it's the feature of this week's Cubicle to Cocktails!

This particular brown/gray shade works splendidly for both work and play. I like it paired with basic black and white as well as skinny jeans. It all works so well.

So, friends - I know Kim from Anthroholic looks adorbs in this top, anyone else?!