July 2, 2010

WTF Friday: Wackness Across the Board

Happy Friday to all! Today's WTF Friday edition has some real atrocities from gorgeous ladies. It's such a shame when bad clothes happen to (seemingly) good people.

Let's get started...

First up, we have the super talented songstress, Fergie Ferg.

Photo via: Kevin Mazur/Wireimage

Fergie, girlfriend, what on earth did your bewbs do to deserve this torture? This dress could have been pretty cool if only you didn't insert a natural chin rest with the garment. In this ensemble she echoes Dolly Parton - and while I love Dolly, that is not intended to be a compliment. Fergie, size up and I guarantee you'll be able to breathe!

Next up is the gorgeous and fit Jada Pinkett Smith.

Photo via: Adhemar Sburlati/Broadimage

Oh Jada, you must have caught the pantsless plague. Either that or someone is running around L.A. stealing pantalones. Jada - yes, you have great legs but in this teeny-tiny romper you look supa silly. Pants are good. Shorts are good. Skirts are good. Work that angle.

And last but not least is Ms. Mischa Barton who has certainly made this list a time or two.

Photo via: Fame Pictures

Mischa gets a ton of flack for her, um, "odd" ensemble choices but this is just so unflattering I couldn't help myself. Whoever said Ked's are in is crazy. (Didn't Mischa have a Ked's contract a while back?!) Mischa this outfit makes me so, so sad. She looks much heavier than is, the proportion is completely wacky and she generally looks a little loco. Si?!

That's the WTF edition for today! I hope you all have a fun & safe holiday weekend!